Originally Posted by CoolNard
I see.. So what's your definition of "being part of life" and "more than part of life"? Religion's about placing faith on a higher entity whose existence can't even be scientifically proven.. O.o I can't really tell the difference between Japanese "religion" and foreign religion. From what you guys're saying, the Japanese don't recognize their beliefs as religions at all, but "part of life".
But isn't that how most religious people see their faith as?
Well as a Person who grew up Christian, my life style revolved around Going to church each Sunday, (maybe miss some days) praying before going to bed, and special celebrations like Easter and Christmas. THats about it.
I have not lived in Japan long ( Wish I could have stayed longer) but I seen that every thing they do (ok not every thing but a lot more then over here) had some tie to some thing either Shinto or Buddhism (they have a lot more “Religious” holydays then in the US *more clear*) though they don’t see them as such, it is a necessary part of life too them as I said before If they don’t parade the Kamisama (god/spirit) around or don’t keep the shrine up to par, they may anger it. In the place I stayed one part of town didn’t do this, And the year before I came there was a murder, now it could have been a coincidence but it made them do it this year to please that Kamisama.