11-10-2008, 02:16 PM
Alright, we all know that guys like breasts…that’s not an issue, it’s a fact whether we care to admit it or not. I simply enjoy talking more than staring awkwardly like there are two round portals to heaven conveniently located in the woman’s chest. But I guess that just makes me a cerebral freak *shrug*
But hey, I can understand where the boob guys are coming from (I’m not dead), so I’ll give you a fair warning; either be discreet or get used to getting slapped in the face…and I suggest you develop an immunity to mace (it stings the first dozen times or so). There’s an anecdote about my childhood to that but I’ll save it for a rainy day.
"Truly great madness cannot be achieved without significant intelligence." - Henrik Tikkanen