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11-13-2008, 12:20 AM

Originally Posted by Nemhy View Post
1. I'm studying the Japanese atm through books alone since I can't afford a teacher, would you reccomend I save up for a tutor?
A tutor? I don`t know - but I do recommend you find some way to actually make use of what you have learned in an interactive situation. Listening will do absolutely nothing for your speaking skills, and won`t help to correct whatever bad pronunciation and habits you`ve picked up from book study.

2. Will my careers be limited to Teaching english? I don't do well infront of a group of people speaking...especially teenagers or kids D:.
This depends upon what skills you have and your language proficiency. But either way, you`ll still have to be offering something that is tempting enough for a company to go through the mess of securing a visa for you. No visa = no work, and without a skill hard to secure in the local population no one is going to want to mess with the paperwork.
If you already have a visa permitting work then it is a different story.

3. I hear alotta people say "holiday visa" or "monthly visa" what IS a visa? XD I've managed to gather that it's like...a working permit but does it cost to renew it every month? or is there a more...perminant version of it?
There is a permanent residency visa, which is permanent. However, you`ll still have to work your way up to it as it requires quite a few years of living in Japan.

4. My Japanese skills..arent so great XD I figure by the time I'm ready I will be alot better but does living there help enhance language (spelling? =/) skills?
Unless you decide to live in an English bubble (like more than half of the foreigners in Japan) - yes.

5. One of my biggest worrys/fears is that because I'm american I'll be turned down alot of jobs and such. Do employers discriminate or as long as I can work efficently I'll have no problem?
This all comes back to the visa issue. What can you offer that would make up for the cost and pain of getting a visa for you?

6. Last one I promise x.x. What is "company housing"? is it hard to get?
Company housing generally refers to a building owned by the company, which you can lived in at a highly discounted rate. Sort of like a company dorm.
If the company has housing, then it shouldn`t be all that hard to get into it. The thing is, most companies do not offer housing.

Something you didn`t ask about, but is necessary information; You will need a full 4 year university degree to even consider working in Japan...

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