small story: uriko found out that there's a place called "chocobo" in south america (which i googled and it's called Caño Chocobo), so i googled it and came accross this:
Chocobos are loosly considered the cousin of the Moogle. When approached they are extremely violent and will continuously cast chocco comet or Magic Missile. Chocobos are believed to have come into existence after Cloud Strife's hair had a relationship with Jerry Seinfeld after copious amounts of Kitten Huffing for the both of them. This resulted in a freakish looking misshapen frog that wields a shovel. Their catch phrase "Choco" translates roughly in German to "You kick my dog". No one seems to understand the mysterious and elusive chocobo. For some reason, chocobos attacked moogles
it's from some kind of fake wiki page.
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