Originally Posted by kenmei
you already have the range coverd, but i'd suggest a
Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 IS if you can afford it
and sell the 80-200 to partially fund it 
For cropped frame cameras I would suggest to also get a Tamron or Sigma 18-55 (17-50 for Tamron) F2.8.
The 70-200 F 2.8 L is nice and fast, but picture quality is actually not as good as the F4L IS because of the aperture shape. So you may want to consider that when you purchase your tele lens. F4L is a bit slower, but give you better image quality (partially also due to the largest setting being F4, but mostly because of its optics)
You probably will want to cover something between your 55-70 range as well eventually, but for now, you can just adjust your distance from the subject to cover that range.
the Tamron 28-70 F2.8 is an amazing lens, it was a film lens design for EOS film camera, so its a full frame lens (Effective about 44.8mm-112mm on the XTI or 40D), but its cheap. I paid like CDN$250 for it, the quality isn't that different from the Canon 24-70F2.8L
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So i posted the rest of my Japan trip stuff on the same picasa web site. The night shot sucks, my tripod was damaged on the second day because of one of my idiot friend playing with it, so I was running around with no tripid... and yes, I was too cheap to buy one while I was there last year.