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(#3 (permalink))
Charliehsv (Offline)
New to JF
Posts: 11
Join Date: Aug 2008
11-14-2008, 12:09 AM

Yeah, I know that I'm being very optimistic(or unrealistic) about it. As I said that's just a thought and I've been looking at other universities aswell. And while it's just as you said very unlikely for me to achieve the necessary proficiency I belive that setting such a high bar will get the best results out of me.

As for english speaking universities I've only checked out TUJ in Tokyo and KIU in Kyoto. From what I've gathered the admission procedures are similar, only that it's an english proficiency test instead right?

Oh, and while my japanese is far from good, it's not zero and I expect to have a pretty solid basis of the language until I go there.

Last edited by Charliehsv : 11-14-2008 at 12:15 AM.
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