Originally Posted by CoolNard
Temari...? I currently find the females in Naruto shippuuden to be all well, flat.. -.-" No sexy curves or anything.. >_<"
I'd say Temari is quite well-developed for her age (how old is she, fifteen, tops?). When she was first introduced as a character she was wearing a short skirt and thigh-long fishnet stockings - how appropriate for a young ninja...
The point I'm trying to make is that even though female manga characters may hold the same title or practice the same profession (e.g. as ninjas in the Naruto universe) as their male counterparts, they are still, despite superficial appearances, viewed and treated as markedly different - this difference is usually expressed by sexualising their appearance and behaviour, or by turning them into helpless wimps so that the male characters can come and rescue them.
So when some people label anime/manga as "pornographic", what they're
really complaining about, I believe, is the incessant stereotyping of female (and male) characters. The pornography label may be true, however it is also totally unfair, since manga/anime is in no way the only form of popular entertainment that makes use of stereotypes.
But heck, let's face it - stereotyped characters are entertaining. People (men and women alike) identify with them.This fact undeniably begs the question of how much society has
really evolved when it comes to equality between the sexes, but that discussion does not really fit into this thread, I think.
Oops, I did it again *puts on Britney Spears and dances around the room* Another post of the bleeding eyes-kind. (I think I need medication.) Heh...