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MMM (Offline)
JF Ossan
Posts: 12,200
Join Date: Jun 2007
11-16-2008, 03:56 AM

Hooray another stereotypes thread.

2. Japanese people, in general, can't drive very well.

A meaningless statement, measured by what? It seems to follow that wonderful racist stereotype that Asians can't drive.

3. Restaurants in Japan (including many fast-food places) give you moist towels or wipes before or with your meal.

Never had one at a fast food place.

4. At many businesses in Japan, they offer alcohol to the employees after six pm.

Again, "many" is a meaningless word. There might be places that do this, but I have seen it more often in the US than in Japan.

6. On Respect for the Aged Day, tobacco companies will hand out free cigarettes to the elderly outside of train stations and department stores.

I never saw this, but if they did do it, I doubt they do it any more.

7. The Japanese love corn, sesame seeds, and mayonnaise on their pizza.

Again, a meaningless statement that sounds like Japanese are of one mind. Why not say "corn, sesame seeds and mayonnaise are available on pizza in Japan." I knew no Japanese that "loved" pizza, with or without those toppings.

9. Many Japanese teachers think that Japanese parents are lazy.

I worked at a public high school for three years and never once did I hear a teacher say a parent was "lazy".

11. Slurp your soup. and be called rude. Slurping your noodles, on the other hand...

12. Newspaper editors make their headlines so as to not attract attention.

Why would this make sense?

13. KFC is the place to be on Christmas Day.

If you like fried chicken, I suppose.

15. In the Japanese language, it is considered rude to say the word "no" directly.

This CAN be true, but it depends on the situation. People say "no" all the time.

I don't have the energy to keep going...
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