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Nemhy (Offline)
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11-17-2008, 12:36 PM

1. I think the whole "oh theres a diffrence between killing for food and whaling" Makes little sense. Killing Chickens, Cows and Pigs, aren't frowned upon (by meat eaters) because it's been in our culture as humans for years. Yes, their numbers are abundant and I like my KFC and yes they're kinda dumb. I'm not saying Whaling is right or wrong, what I'm trying to say is that Killing is Killing. Wether it's self defense, food, hate, pleasure it's all still Killing animals.

Saying that killing something of low intelligence is ok but something of higher intelligence is a crime sounds just wrong to me.

Also the Whale's death may be painfull but it lives it's own happy little life before it gets....destroyed. Do you know how Slaughter houses and meat farmers treat their animals? Most of them are abused, beaten, live in dirty cages, basiclly a living hell untill it's their time to die.

I do agree that killing endangered species is wrong. But I'm just saying how I feel about comparing whaling to slautgher houses

PSN: Nemhy
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