Originally Posted by CaptainThunder
Read this if you haven't already. Essentially, just start doing everything you can in Japanese, and eventually things will start to sink in.
This is also an excellent website for learning the kanji.
I also like your idea of having test threads, it's often difficult to find native Japanese sentences with reliably-verified English translations.
ah, beat me to it this time around
i also recommend the first site if you're serious about it. and i recommend what he recommend for learning kanji ("remembering the kanji" series). there's also a nice kanji chart thingymabob somewhere on that site you can purchase which has the basic 2000 kanji highschoolers learn. and it's used for you to essentially "scratch off" the kanji (draw over) as you go so you can see your progress as you learn each kanji.
you've seemingly reached "the wall" where many people casually studying the language make their choice of:
to keep their rudimentary japanese that they've learned and stop studying
put in that extra effort that it takes to get to the next level and beyond.
time to commit yourself to the program (whichever you may choose) and study study study. if you're still in uni, i'd recommend seeing if you can do a semester (or year or whatever) abroad in japan, asap. I think that might be the best and most effective way to break down this wall and help (force) your studies. learning on your own is hard and classes you always have english language as a crutch to help you along.
so it is up to you mate