Originally Posted by MMM
Time out. You don't know what to do next, but only know 6 or 7 kanji? Buy Basic Kanji Book 1 and Basic Kanji Book 2.
If you have completed your books with only 7 kanji, you are using no books I have heard of. You need some new textbooks.
Kanji isn't the be-all, end-all of language study, but getting a few hundred down will help you understand words and guess what words mean, even if you don't know for sure (both in conversation and in reading).
MMM, I know Ash and he is in my Japanese class, and the book we are learning from is 'Japanese for Busy People,' and has two versions, a romaji version and a kana version. Because we'd only started the classes and most people were complete beginners, our teacher told us to buy the romaji version. I'm pretty surprised how quickly me and Ash picked up kana though so it would probably have been better struggling the first couple of weeks then using the kana one... xD