11-18-2008, 11:55 PM
Name: Ben ( Don't really like my name, it's not very asian, since I'm Chinese ¦| )
Age: 18
Favourite Type of Lolita: Elegant Gothic Aristocrat
Favourite Lolita Brand: Moi-meme-molitie
Favourite Lolita Stores: Refuse To Be Usual, Fanplusfriend Garden
Favourite Colours: Black, Blue
Likes: Malice Mizer, X Japan, EGA/EGL fashion, ramen! ¦3
Dislikes: celery, people who disrespect one's fashion, and celery who disrespect one's fashion

Member of the Metal Club
"Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon and star" -孔夫子