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11-19-2008, 05:32 PM

Originally Posted by Keaton421 View Post
My prediction is that the overwhelming majority of people who have been to Japan, or who have firm, realistic plans to visit in the future won't be otaku. They either realize that pursuing anime and pocky is no way to live, they're 12 year old fanboys/girls without the means to do so (and lose interest when they're of age), or content to stay in the basement subbing Naruto Shippuden and dreaming about kawaii ramen pockyland.

I think young adults (18+) with a casual, but true, interest in Japan will be the ones who make it. So far, we've been the only ones to post in this thread :P An otaku who did make it to Japan would be too shocked and on the first plane home

I realize I'm tough on the otaku. This is Japan forum after all, but Japan is not about those trivial things, just like my country isn't about baseball or apple pie - it just says that on wikipedia. I believe we can turn this place into a mature discussion about Japan for those who have genuine interests grounded in reality.
I agree with you Keaton and i hope this thread does degenerate in the nonsense that most of the threads seem to do nowadays. Realistically those people who think Japan is all anime and pockey will either never go there or go and have such a culture shock it destroy their image of Japan and they will never return. Having an interest in Japan needs to go beyond anime and i think the older crowd around here especially the ones that have been there frequently like MMM and those who live there currently like Nyororin would agree. People have this misconception about Japan like many have about the U.S. or any other country and when it does not live up to their dreams they write it off.

I prefer to talk to the people who go to Japan for other reasons like History, food, education or just a general love for the culture or those who want to understand the culture better or get back to their roots. Majority of forum members here will never make it to Japan and if they do have their lil dream world shattered and or no nothing about it and pretend they do its very frustrating, sad yet funny at times.

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