11-20-2008, 06:40 AM
This is not something I can just come up with right away, but the closest match for me off the top of my head would probably be Chikane from Kannazuki no Miko...in personality of course.
If I ever discovered my destined love, I think I would KILL if I had to, and sacrifice everything, not caring what other people thought of me, just to be with them and have them be happy, no matter what their gender or social background. That and other traits like being quiet and serious, level-headed in various situations, competitive, athletic, a strong will, sense of justice, perhaps obsessive at times, polite, the list goes on. I'm a little surprised how similar I am to her now that I think about it.

Member of the Metal Club
"Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon and star" -孔夫子