11-22-2008, 05:45 AM
arigatou, gozaimashita!!!
ok, first things first... we DID go over the read-the-whole-thread-or-just-glance-over-it thing, RIGHT?!?! WHY ARENT SOME OF YOU NOT LISTENING?!?!?!?
And i did have fun at the concert, Kyo spit in my mouth!!! *it may sound gross to some, but i loved it, personally* AND i caught Kaoru's (rythm guitar) guitar pick!!! over all, it was an amazing show, i wanna see it again!!!
Konnechewa, Taleisin...
You know what? i like you. you have very good views, just like myself. i agree with you that lolita shouldnt be sexy or anything, it is supposed to be kawaii... but other things in lolita can be scary, also. and not that there is a problem with that, but in my mind, its supposed to be more formal, than anything... lIKE A VICTORIAN DOLL OR SOMETHING... bUT YOU, I LIKE... KEEP UP WITH THE THREAD, AND YOU WILL BE LIKE MY BEST FRIEND..... (totally didnt mean the whole TyPiNg LiKe ThIs just now... XD)
"suimasen!!!" Bows