Originally Posted by Tenchu
Buy notes (the bank buys Australian money from you) = 1 AUD - 30 THB
Sell notes (the bank sells Australian money to you) = 1 AUD - 28 THB
tenchu, that is a fantastic bank u got there.
i will let the bank (bank of siam) buy my 1 AUD and get 30 THB. then i will let the bank sell me AUD, i will hand over my previously exchanged 30 THB and get voila 1 1/14 AUD back. this i will do over and over again, until i am a very rich man. arbitrage worthy of its name.
kind of reminds me of the first thing i learnt to program in basic.
10 print "rich man"
20 repeat 10
come to think of it, i don't remember basic very well, so i might be remembering it incorrectly. were u supposed to write "30 run" or?