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sunxdragon (Offline)
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Talking 11-23-2008, 10:16 AM

Originally Posted by Arikado View Post
Something about combining the words "doujin" and "intercourse" in the same topic doesn't feel right... <.< ... >.> Sorry...that was really ecchi of me... Back on topic!
First I'd like to say that I really like style you chose and the pose. It's very flowing and graceful, and most importantly, I can easily tell that it's Kagami ¦3 You captured her character quite well in this drawing. Only thing I'd like to see improve is the hands, as Mikachii mentioned, and more detail on the cloth. The hands aren't bad, but they're out of proportion (I really hate drawing hands, they're my weak point and I always try to hide them, but hiding them is just pushing aside the problem and not solving anything). As for the kimono, try adding more lines to the sleeves maybe. But hey, I havn't picked up drawing for a long time, so I'm totally out of touch. But I hope that provides atleast a little insight though.

what you mention is quite right.Hands are my weakpoint too.T_T
Well my english maybe have some mistake cause I just learn the language in school,and sometimes it's difficult to express my feeling correctly in another language ...
But I'm so happy someone communicates with me
And...I have to admit I draw this pic not with full energy...I'm lazy...

This is one of my originality about your impression on it,I want to know everyone's thought of my pic,thank you (the photo isn't very clear)


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