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ThirdSight (Offline)
Bane of Stupidity
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11-23-2008, 09:29 PM

Originally Posted by wilsontheterrible View Post
There are only two instances where anyone should feel like an outcast and at a con isnt one of them. Everybody is there to have fun, eat bad con food, and hang out with people that are into the same weird stuff they are. Last con I went to I ended up; playing D&D, dancing with the hotel manager, sneaking my way into one of the luxury suits by pretending to be one of the bellhops, and leading the effort to get the con's band to play "Come Sail Away" getting nearly half the con to burst into song in the process. Con's are nothing but good fun, good friends, and legally questionable good times.
New plan.

You tell me about these Amazing-Incred-o-Cons and their locations.

I'll make like Harold and Kumar and epically road trip it there, becuase they sound like a hell of a lot more fun than the cons I go to, which is composed of (mostly) morbidly obese people who think watching Inuyasha for 12 hours straight whilst listening to soft J-Pop in the background is a good time.


How in the world do people reach 1,000+ posts?

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