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Aniki (Offline)
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11-24-2008, 12:28 AM

Originally Posted by isisbathory View Post
I did that but now, how will I write in the funny letters?
Sorry for annoying you so much
I knew you'll ask that.

Here's how to type in Japanese:

1. First you must select Japanese language (I bet you already done that, but I'm just checking).

2. If you want to type something in katakana, just left click on the あ icon and when table appears click Full-width Katakana or Half-width Katakana. When the icon changes to カ, then you can write in katakana. To write Japanese letters you must know how the kana sounds: that is if you want to write シ - you just need to type the letters s-h-i, カ - type k-a, ノ - type n-o, and etc. But to type the kana ン - you'll have to type the letter n twice. This is how Microsoft IME works.

3. If you wanna type in hiragana just just left click on the あ icon and then select hiragana. Everything writes the same as katakana.

4. And of course kanji. This will be a little bit more difficult. When you type in hiragana it can change into kanji depending on a word or a sentence you write. Example: if you wanna write Japan in kanji, you'll just need to type Nihon in hiraga - にほん (n-i-h-o-n-n) and then press space and when the kanji 日本 appear press Enter. But the word Nihon has several meanings so if it's not 日本 you need, then just type にほん and press space several times until you'll get the meaning you need, and then press Enter again.
As for the sentences. If you need to write - What will (you) eat? in japanese, then just type Nani wo tabemasu ka?,and press space and Enter only when you're done typing. This is what you should get if you typed it correct - 何を食べますか?.

At the beginig it's kinda strange and difficult to type like that, but once you get the hang of it, it becomes quite easy to write in Japanese.

Oh and try to explore everything by yourself before you want to ask something else you don't understand.
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