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Nagoyankee (Offline)
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11-24-2008, 06:06 AM

Originally Posted by berrypie View Post
Thanks again~ Now I know how to reply if someone asks me 「遊べる?」... instead of replying him innocently、I will slap him instead (just joking)

Yes I know する、like 仕事をする、ゲーム-をする..... etc etc
but in what case can I use やる instead? (I know やりましょう = Let's do it)
Good question.

As a female, you need to be careful with やる and やりましょう for two reasons.

1. It's basically, if not entirely, masculine speech. You can use the verb once in a while. But PLEASE don't use it repeatedly without an object to precede. You won't look too good if you do.

2. One meaning of やる is ..... no, I'm too shy to say the four-letter word. You will hear a beep if it was said on TV. 

Whenever possible, choose する over やる. But even with する, don't use it repeatedly without an object (仕事を、宿題を、ゲームを, etc.) because it can also mean the same four-letter word only in a softer way.
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