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11-24-2008, 02:05 PM

Originally Posted by Wasabista View Post
Okay here's a f'rinstance of what I'm talking about.
I just returned to Thailand from Japan today. At Narita I was offered this rate:
1 baht = ¥3.15
At Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok I exchanged at this rate:
¥1 = 0.3621
Inverting this, we get:
1/.3621 = 2.762

So one baht would have cost me ¥3.15 if I'd bought in Japan, but I waited till I got to Bangkok and paid only ¥2.76 for the same one baht.

So change your money before you arrive in Japan, not after.
??? you got better money selling your yen in Thailand than if you wouldve bought Baht in Japan, right? So why are you suggesting that one should buy yen in their homecountry if they will also get a better rate in Japan???
I think what you are talkign about is changing back.... Because youd better sell the yen in your country than buying USD or euro or whatever inside Japan.

So ill still stick to: change your money in the country of your choice and not at home! There might be one exception wich is: The exchangerates are changing rapidly now, so if you feel that the rate is very good for you now, than you should exchange at home.

Back home after 1 year work and travel in Japan and 3 month in Korea: (text is in German, but see the pictures!)
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