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CrazyLee (Offline)
4th Kyu Aikidoka
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Join Date: May 2007
Location: England, UK
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11-24-2008, 04:10 PM

Originally Posted by d34thp0odle View Post
Aikido o.O
I want to do that too
thing is i can start when im 18 ^^ damn
=P mind telling me a little about it ?
.. what practises are like .. what u do .. what u begin with ..
was it fun and stuff ?
It will be my pleasure. One of the most important things about Aikido: its not a competitive Martial Art. We dont do tournaments, or anything like that. Its a friendly atmosphere, which is why I enjoy it so much. If your in Germany, could you let me know where please? My organisation has connections throughout Europe, so it may be helpful for you (especially when we hold international courses )

Okay, the art itself is simple: its purely defensive. We have a saying "the only way to beat an AIkidoka is to stop attacking". And its true, as the main thought of the art is to defend against an attack and the redirect it back at your opponent.
YouTube - aikido punishment
Okay the link above is for a 40 second Aikido clip of numerous techniques. I need to point out that the end bit of silliness is pretty much what we're like. We have fun whilst training

Now, as for training it all depends on what your Sensei will teach. However, this is what we normally do for all our newbies (my apologies, the names area lla from memory):
Ai hanme katate tori Ikkyo - an arm lock from a handshale grasp
katate tori Nikkyo - wrist lock from odd hands grasp (left hand grabbing right)
Ai hanme katate tori irimi nage - hanshake grasp into an 'entering throw'. Uses the opponents head, and can be used to break necks (honest)
Ai hanme katate tori shiho nagi - handshake graps into a corner drop. It can break the wrist, elbow and shoulder.
Mai and Ushiro ukemi - forward and backward rolls, respectively.

Thats the 2 basic pins and 2 basic throws. Now, I have to point out that Aikido can be a brutal art. It can break bones (I know at least 2 people who have bust there collar bones) but its a good art.
Training itself, as you can probably see from the list above, is kind of static. Theres a lot of leg movement in the art but we dont throw you in and expect you to know what to do. Also I alwas find a reason to smile and laugh in class, but thats because we're not that serious a group. We train hard, and we mean it. But we enjoy ourselves. Its all part of it not being a competetive artform.

And yes, its lots of fun. If you want to ask anything else, pm me. I'm on here most days. Or, grab my msn address. Either works.
Have fun, and sorry for the long post.

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