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(#338 (permalink))
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CrazyLee (Offline)
4th Kyu Aikidoka
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Join Date: May 2007
Location: England, UK
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11-24-2008, 04:43 PM

The joys of Babelfish and asking friends. Excellant!
As for Kiai shouts.......not unless you want to see Sensei do a > *facepalm*.
We normally avoid them. And its only a brutal art because the human body isn't as strong as people think. Remember that karate, Kung Fu, etc are also brutal. Its just a differance between punching someone unconcious and breaking arms...

Edit: hmmmm, Aikidudo? Hmmmm. Anyway, I'm not sure if its linked to our organisation. Still, it right what it says there. Get in touch with the guy running it and ask some questions. If its close to your 18th see if you can at least watch a session. And ask if its connected to D.A.N (Dynamic Aikido Noquet), as we've got French and German links, as well as us here in the UK.

Last edited by CrazyLee : 11-24-2008 at 04:50 PM.
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