Thread: Verb + いる
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Verb + いる - 11-25-2008, 03:19 PM

I notice that 「いる」is used after a verb, such as

実家から遠くの学校に行っているん ですね(Quoted from Nagoyankee さん)

寝ています <- I am sleeping
寝ます <- sleep

When should I use いる after a verb? Does いる act like the present tense (verb+ing in English)?

As I understand, いる also has other meaning, such as
そばにいる (I am) by your side
あなたがここにいる You are here

Once again, Nagoyankee さん、直してくれてありがとう!

I always ask stupid questions in here, but I really really want to thank those who help me out! (Especially Nagoyankee さん、Harold さん)
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