Yep, a few times actually.
First time I was about three and jumped over the side of a boat at the dock. My dad had quick reflexes and caught me before the propeller blades. I actually remember the barnacles and moss on the pier through the murky water and how pretty it was.
Second time was a near drowning too, and again my own stupidity. Despite training in water rescue an safety, when I friend went under on a river I dove in after her and pushed her out. (DON'T DO THAT!!!) Then I realized I couldn't fit the undertoe either and resigned myself to my fate ..... until I felt sand under my feet. I was lucky it only took one push and there was a rope waiting at the surface.
Third time was the scariest. I had a reaction to heart med that only about 1 in 5 million ever experience. Turned kinda gray, then began turning into one big bruise. A blood test that even the head of the hemotology was scared to do, showed I should have already been dead from the hemmoraging. But for some reason I stayed around long enough for a transfusion to work. Wish I had pictures because I was was a rather impressive looking zombie for about a week.
Best part was that I got to work from home for 6 weeks recovering - bad part was I had to adopt out my cats.
(allergies were off the scale and I couldn't risk even a minor scratch till I was sure my blood would clot fast enough).
Gives you a whole different outlook on life and your priorities after you survive something like that.