11-27-2008, 06:20 AM
To me, art and beauty are two interchangable words. But...beauty is in the eye of the beholder...
I would say that Geisha are living works of art. Even though they are practitioners of "old" art forms and mediums, I think they still maintain their individuality.
~Most speak, but not all speak the same language.~ and...many people know how to use eloquent language to it's full effect, but everyone has their personal preferences, and so it is with most other things. Just think of a human personality as a glass prism instead of either a black or white sheet of paper. If you simply hold the prism and put it up to your naked eyes, it will appear as nothing more than a tranquil shard. But when you shine the light through it, you will see a spectrum of every color the human senses can detect.
*I feel stupid now*
~ S.A.