Originally Posted by Koir
To extend the metaphor beyond reasonable limits, if "the media" is brainwashing people, and the internet is part of "the media" does that mean that the superficially independant parts of it supposedly written by individuals not involved in "the media" are, in fact, not written by individuals at all, but "the media"?
Yes, people will be influenced by what is written on different forums, web pages, blogs, etc. But like you said, it's extending it beyond reasonable limits to compare what RandomJoe on forumX is saying to what is being said by a CNN news reporter.
I wouldn't however call it "brainwashing", influencing, I think is a better word.
Originally Posted by Koir
Is there in truth no independant thought?
Naturally no, how could there be? Thoughts are formed by analyzing information and impressions. We can not think something that is completely detached from what we know. If that was what you meant by independent thought.