Originally Posted by ante
To be honest I don't get that analogy. The beer mug would be the newspaper, the radio, the television set, not the content, which is what I believe OP is referring to. The articles, the news-feed, etc. Not the actual broadcast, but the content of the broadcast. Do you honestly believe that what we read in books, newspapers, see on telly, doesn't effect our opinions and in turn our actions?
Naturally we have a choice to believe or not to believe in what we hear and see, but what we chose to believe is based on what we know, knowledge that we have acquired largely from the same source. Like I said before, as long as the reporting is honest and objective, that isn't a problem, but since financial and political interest have a large influence on what is reported and shown, objectivity has a tendency to suffer.
This is such an ethereal question. You see the news. You read a book. You buy a comic. You watch a TV show.
How these things affect "you" is different not depending on "the media" but depending on "you".