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(#43 (permalink))
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allie2590 (Offline)
I am the White Testament
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11-28-2008, 03:16 PM

Originally Posted by TalnSG View Post
I can see why some support a chat box, but I don't.
Yes it promotes discourse because of the immediacy. While spammers can be filtered out, stupid and hurtful things said in the heat of the moment, which you would otherwise had edited, cannot. Several here promoting the chat box would be among those whose tempers would flare and be a problem (possibly even me). There is a benefit to minor delay that gives one time to consider your words first.
I see what you are saying here, but people who decide who abuse the chat box could be banned from it. It's the same thing with the forums. A lot of people don't think before they post something here, and their thread gets closed, or in the worst case scenario, the user gets banned. I don't see why that can't be applied to a chat box. Couldn't mods have the power to delete things?
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