11-07-2006, 08:11 PM
Here is a quote from a site about Ganguro:
Ganguro, literally "face-black," is a fashion trend among Japanese girls, an outgrowth of chapatsu hair dyeing. The basic look is bleached-blond hair perms that take half a day to set and cost about $400, and a deep tan, produced by tanning beds or makeup. The intent is to produce the tanned, blond California beach girl look. Accessories include high platform shoes or boots, purikura photo stickers,and cellular phones. They go to tanning salons to maintain a dark-brown tan year-round (or apply a dark-brown foundation).
Suki na Mono wa Suki Dakara Shouganai!!
You see things; and you say, "Why?" But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?"-George Bernard Shaw