Originally Posted by uvahoo06
Thanks for the quick reply!
I'm looking online to see where I can find a authorized seller for JR passes, and I've found two offices. Before I go in, I sort of want to have an idea of which rail pass best fits this itinerary that you all have graciously helped me with. Should I go with a 4-day or 7-day pass? Is there a student discount since I am a student (at least a graduate student under 25 yrs old)?
Thanks once again. You all don't know how grateful I am to have connected with everyone on here! 
Well, I think you could get away with a 4 day pass if they have one (I thought 7 days was the shortest time they offered?), beginning 12/24 (when you head from Tokyo to Mastumoto) and ending on the 28th (when you arrive in Kyoto). That would cover the long distance part of your trip, the rest is shorter distances or non-JR trains (Osaka to Koyasan isn't a JR train, for instance).
However, I think there's a better and cheaper option: The Juhachi kippu. It is a ticket with 5 all day passes, which you buy at any JR station in Japan (no need of advanced purchase) and each ticket can be stamped individually (not necessarily consecutive days). It only works on local trains and a few of the slower express trains, not the bullet train, but since the itinerary calls for the slower scenic route through the mountains, not a bullet train to get to Kansai as fast as possible, there's no problem there. The juhachi kippu is only 11,500 yen, much cheaper than the rail pass. It's only sold during the vacation times in Japan, and you'll luckily be there during the winter vacation. Here's all the info on it:
Seishun Juhachi Kippu (Seishun 18 Kippu)
Seishun 18 Ticket - Wikitravel