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(#115 (permalink))
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MissMisa (Offline)
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11-29-2008, 10:28 AM

Originally Posted by KikiBunny23 View Post
its both. first it was a book. imagine this. 'vegetarian' vampire [only sucks eats whatever animal blood] that sparkles in the sun and a clutzy human falling in love. that's pretty much all there is except for teh fact that she gets chased by traker vampires and gets her leg broken by one of them yadda yadda. I hate having good memory about books

and be gald. and if it does hit England. hide under your bed to fend off any and all fangirls

To be honest, in England there aren't really many fangirls. I've never met an actual fangirl. They are just all online, I mean even at the Dir en grey concert it wasn't that bad. I think English people are more CBA with it all in general haha.
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