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(#132 (permalink))
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TheCrimson (Offline)
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Posts: 363
Join Date: Jul 2008
11-29-2008, 06:46 PM


@emiluvsjmusic - seriously. read my previous post on why i hate fangirls.

all fangirls have a screwed mentality. Yin. is no longer a fangirl. I am no longer a fangirl.

i was never as bad as the general fangirl population, because here i am, hating them with a fracking passion.

they're elitist noobs. they're racist (oh yes they are. inverted racism. if you're not asian and dont like everything asian, you suck)
they're DUMB (they WANT to be asian. you can't tell me that's not dumb)
they don't have a life.
they can't take other people's opinion. (they'll attack you if you don't agree with their point of view)
they don't even know what REAL music is.
and oh yes. they'll betray you because they have a "crush" on an artist.
and there's more but i don't wanna take up a whole freaking page.

-shakes head-

here's a taste of awesome.
he's so freaking cute :3 the timing is amazing for a little guy like him.

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