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(#12 (permalink))
Athefre (Offline)
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Location: Mount Airy, NC
11-29-2008, 07:12 PM

There isn't much a company can do with side-scrolling platformers now that would make it feel great/unique. Play the GBA/DS Sonic games, they are just as fun and the same as the old ones but they don't feel as good because you didn't play them when you were younger; they didn't come out around those good times.

Look at probably the best/most care (and time) put into/most creative side-scrolling game to come out in the last 5 years, New Super Mario Bros. I loved it as much as the old ones but many Mario fans would say it doesn't feel as good as the older games. But, if it had came out in 1995 many fans would put it up there with Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World, SM64, and Galaxy as the best in the series.

I was one of the biggest Sonic fans you could find in the 90's, but after playing the glitchy Sonic Adventure games and seeing all of those Sonic Snowboarding and Sonic Sword releases, I no longer care about Sega releasing a good Sonic game. If only Sega had spent the time to make those side-stories as good as what Nintendo did with their Mario sports titles.
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