Originally Posted by Salvanas
They are basically the same thing, but one set in modern times, and one in WW2.
Now, personally, I could never use snipers in CoD4 due to the fact that I found them very clumsy compared to the ones in WaW. But I love both equally. What is your preffered one?
Secondly: LittleBig Planet. Am I the only one addicted to this game? It's amazingly good fun. If you own a PS3, and own this game, just add my PSN : Okutai and let's have some fun.
I think WaW is an awesome game, the tanks do get annoying quickly, but aside from that, I love the game.
As for LBP, I got it the day it came out, but I haven't really played it much, it's a great game, i just can't seem to play it for days on end like I do most other games.
I'll add you though...