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Naoko (Offline)
Evil Muffin 奈央子
Posts: 172
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Illinois, USA
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12-01-2008, 05:28 PM


Laid back
Likes video games outside of freaking Madden
Lacks "scrub" (lol)
Sweet (I don't like cavities though, so watch it...)
HONEST and TRUSTWORTHY (repetitive, I know...but I can't stress how important that is)

Oh...and I've been labeled "feisty," and "witty" on quite a few occasions. That being said, I have a smart mouth basically. A guy has to be able to take it and dish it back out lol.

I'm 22, but sadly I've gone through boyfriends like a dolphin does water. I'm with a really good guy now, but I apparently have this lovely magnetic attraction to guys who suck as boyfriends xD
...and the really cute ones?...o_o Suck. It's like they're cute, they know it, so they push limits.
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