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12-01-2008, 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by lself
Okay, that stuff is important too. But i think the most important thing would just be liking their music. As long as they aren't homicidal maniacs i really don't care that much about their reputation, etc. Meanings of songs are important too, but one of the things i like about Japanese music is that i can't understand it...kind of. Sometimes i look up lyrics but most of the time i don't have time too. I mostly just listen to how it sounds. I don't think i'm a completely clueless fan girl for it either. And I agree, they are cute, but not hot, which is a big difference.
@myvfan- i think salvanas was talking about fangirls, and in that case it wouldn't be implying that they were gay.
Now we're getting somewhere 
I mean the reputation of the band as a whole. Not their personal lives. I mean, for example, My Chemical Romance. They don't get the best greetings on a stage, do they?
I agree with what you mean about the lyrics and meanings, but sometimes, you can't ignore it. It might sound good, but if it's something you don't associate with, for example, an extreme one, imagine if you were a jew and the song was about Nazis killings Jews. (Extreme, and unlikely, but just take it in stride and understnd what I'm saying) Would you still listen to the song?
- “I've been lucky. I'll be lucky again.” -