今は三ヶ月日本語を勉強しています。それで、日本語で 書いて見る時が来ました。日本語の文法を全部知りませ ん。そして、とても間違いがあって、それぞれメッセー ジを英語で書き直します(このスレだけに)。
”JapaneseAngel”のメッセージを読んで、私の頭に一つの 質問が生じります。
”学習”と”勉強”はどう違いますか。”返事”と”答 え”は?
Now I have been studying Japanese for 3 months, that's why I think it is time for me to try and write in Japanese. I don't know all the grammar, thus there will be plenty of errors and that is why I will rewrite every message in English (only in this thread).
Reading a message from JapaneseAngel, a question jumped out of my head.
What is the difference between 学習 and 勉強 and again 返事 and 答え?
I will use this thread for other "what's the difference" questions (I know I will find many more
I appreciate all your answers.