Thread: Wii or PS3?
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12-01-2008, 10:18 PM

Originally Posted by Cowabunga View Post
I own Wii, don't own a PS3 and don't wish to, I'm more interested in Xbox 360.

dude. no. dont buy xbox360. i worked for a company that fixes them.
oh my god T_T the way they treat the consoles. and how they all said, it was made to break down anyway.
all you need to do is just stare at the console, and the three red rings will appear xD
we had about 1000 xbox360s coming in everyday. worldwide, needing to be fixed. some of them are in such horrible conditions - had the whole top part melted, etc - that it was pointless to fix.
and all the bad retail consoles from india and singapore, after they change the ODD and the plastic, they fix it up a bit and send it back into stores.
microsoft never really finished xbox 360, they wanted it out before christmas so they can cash in. that's why so many of them just fuck out on people.

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