I don't know about My Chemical Romance(not a big fan), and i'm not sure what you mean about reputation as a whole. You mean, showing up at concerts and not being irresponsible and totally drunk, that sort of thing? Also, about your question, at first i automatically thought of course not, but i'm not sure...well, still probably not. If it was that extreme, as in your example, i definitely wouldn't. And I completely am horrified at many rap songs that talk about beating women, and other horrible things. However, I did listen to a lot of Eminem's(?) stuff, and it had some pretty bad stuff in it, but i liked quite a few of his songs... But if we are talking about songs that are maybe not that meaningful but are still good, i think it's a different story, and i wouldn't really care if the lyrics were meaningful or not. Discussions are fun!

Why is my signature not working? that isn't actually a random saying, there's a picture, just so you don't think i'm
completely weird.