12-02-2008, 07:02 PM
I have a new favorite instant as of this afternoon!
But unless you like Korean Kimchi (not Japanese Kimuchi) you may not like it. Just because it seemed interesting and was on sale, I picked up Paldo's Stir-fried Kimchi Noodles. I was not expecting anything much more than a odd flavor to my usual kimchi ramen salt-fest. But I got a pleasant surprise. The seasoning packet was smaller than usual, but when opened was stout enough to set off a sneeze. Then I picked up what is usually the packet of dried bits of veggies and/or meat (usually 90% green onion). Surprise! Foil packet, not cellophane, opened to reveal real kimchi! Bite size slices of fermented cabbage and plenty of sauce to make up for the smaller packet of powder. It could have used at least two more of that size packet, but even this small amount is appreciated. If the rest of their ramens are or similar quality I recommend them. Not fresh, but better than your average instant packages.
Only an open mind and open heart can be filled with life. ********************* Find your voice; silence will not protect you.