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Naoko (Offline)
Evil Muffin 奈央子
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12-02-2008, 11:19 PM

Originally Posted by sakari09 View Post
now you really sound like my BF. Kinda' creepy. LOL JK I don't like guys who have to have their outfit perfect before they go out. Or buy themselves expensive clothes, just to show off. I say wear what's comfortable.
I don't mind guys who dress to impress. You can be comfortable and still look nice. I don't want to walk around with a guy whose pants are falling off and looks like he rolled out of bed and was like "let's go." At the same time...I don't understand men who take longer to dress than I do o_o Wth are you DOING in there?!? I also don't like manmakeup unless it's like..he has craters/scars he wants to cover up that's understandable...guyliner though...I'd rather us not have to try to figure out if that's your eyeliner/shadow or mine...

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