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(#97 (permalink))
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Salvanas (Offline)
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12-03-2008, 12:39 AM

Originally Posted by JoshAussie View Post
"Free spirit" lol,

I dont know why. Girls that arent interested in being "Tied Down" is where its at. Probably because it reflects my own personality. Iv had many "Partners" Truthfully - all my relationships havent lasted very long. Usually a few months - If lucky. To no fault of my partner at the time. Im just not the type of person to have a steady relationship. Frankly, It bores me. Only once has a girl broken up with me, Actually we werent even going out and it was getting *Too Serious* for her she just wanted to hang out and have sex. Her life goals were to travel and have fun and she didnt give a fuck about anything else. Id never been more attracted to anyone. She taught me a valuable life lesson. Even tho it wrecked our friendship shes the one ill always remember.

EDIT: Ill just add, ----- Was the girl that really got me to mature a bit when it came to relationships. Im still attracted to the same things And some people even find it immature that i say im not interested in having a relationship. But thats wrong. That doesnt make me immature we all look for something differant in partners.
I can understand you perfectly. It's the same for me.

I find relationships a hassle and they bore me after a while. I always have, and will until I'm like 30, stay free.

I mean, if it's just sex, what's the point in going into a relationship?

- “I've been lucky. I'll be lucky again.” -
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