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KohanaIto (Offline)
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12-03-2008, 06:56 AM

Originally Posted by TalnSG View Post
Oh, wrong. Some of us really DO enjoy our independence quite a bit. Invariably when I encounter an opportunity for anything beyond a friendship, I find myself recalling all the things it would require me to either moderate or abandon completely. It will take an incredible person to give me the incentive to sacrifice the peace and tranquility of oneness. I am not saying that such a person doesn't exist, but I do not ache to find him.

The other major deterent is that my preference in men is not white, christian, conservatives which happen to be the majority of the single, male population here when you reach my age bracket. Now if more of my 20-30 yr old friends in the Asian community here had single uncles or fathers, I might have a few more choices.

BTW Yuujiro, while I agree that you are the most (openly) effeminate male on JF, your mindset is defintely not. I think that is why you attract as many females as you do. The pairing does you justice. A shift of either aspect would hold less interest.

Oh, dang, I think I just got slammed with that one -_-"
LOL but I think it's good that your happy as you are. I, on the other hand, am just a bitch, and have the attention span of a five year old on crack (never seen one, have you?) So I get into "relationships" and there over by the end of the week....*sighs* And I wonder why so many people hate me....

show me the world through emerald eyes of colbalt skies
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