Originally Posted by chryuop
I figured out myself that どういたしまして is in a formal form, but I have never figure out how to say it in an informal way. I mean, if I change the verbs in the informal way it would become どう=どう, いす=する and ます gets taken away to make it informal...so it becomes どうして which means why. Nagoyankeeさん, is there an informal way of you are welcome? (coz you will never find it in a western text book hee hee).
Yes, there is. We often say 「いえいえ」 or 「いいえ」which is like saying 'nah nah'. But do not say 「いいえいいえ」.
You actually will NOT hear 「どういたしまして」 too often in Japan. I hear it much more often on JF.