Originally Posted by Naoko
it's not true that every guy that has a female friend is only looking to hit and run.
I didnt say hit and run, i said theres gotta be some sort of attraction there and I stand by that statement. Not all guys are so shallow but we do tend to let our little fella's do the thinking sometimes rather than our brains.
All my female friends are attractive in thier own way but i personally wouldnt go round trying to screw them all. Even if i wasnt already attached.
Originally Posted by Kaoru1981
Thanks for your encouragement, Shadow
Your very welcome
Just go for it girl! Sometimes, indirect ways can by too sly and he may avoid the answer if hes a shy person. If i were you just give him a hug, then when you pull away, do it real slow and stare him in the eyes and go in for a kiss. Such a make or break situtation will let you know either way. If it doesnt work out, if hes as nicer guy as you say he is, he will understand your feelings and still wish to be your friend