Originally Posted by XjapanFOREVER
the point isn't TO make a game that big, it's just nice knowing that if a developer just happened to be making a kick-ass game, that the space is there if necessary.
400GB wont be nessesary because games developers of today are too lazy to make anything decent. Most people are just throwing any old crap together cuz they know it will sell. Any FPS will sell on the PS3/360 same as any *waggle* cutsie game on the wii so why would they bother?
If you gonna argue about the FPS comment, look at your games library for the current gen.. what genre of game do you have the most of? Exactly.
All you gotta do is look at Pokemon Battle Revolution and you know they aint gonna bother making a game like that. While im on the topic, to say Pokemon is one of nintendo's biggest franchises, why dont they put the effort in?