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ivi0nk3y (Offline)
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12-04-2008, 12:21 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
But look at the music business. You can say the exact same thing about CDs. And when I buy a game from my 360 Wii or PS3 a record is kept of that, so if I lose my hard drive, I can redownload for free.
What can I say about CDs? I don't see CDs going out of business anytime soon at all, let alone DVDs.
Digital distribution is only "the way" cos companies need a slicker way to combat piracy lol.
As for re-downloading, what you gonna do if ur hard drive fails, which it does a lot of the time? Got electronic receipts for that? Gonna burn a hard copy of your game just to make sure you don't have to spend hours re-downloading a game?

I dunno if you're aware but broadband isn't exactly becoming advanced either, with most companies only offering an allocated amount of bandwidth every month, unless you pay much more for your 'plan'.

Either way, it is not at all a thing of the future and will only be pushed as something akin to this by people who support things like DRM and so on. It is much more effective to encode a certain "download" with anti-piracy, than a CD or DVD.

I will always want a hard copy of my movies, games & music simply because I collect them.
Not everyone is like this but there is plenty of reason for Digital Distribution to be nothing more than 'another option'.

ps. the storage solution of the future is SOLID STATE TECHNOLOGY. Right now its too expensive though.

Truth Hurts


Last edited by ivi0nk3y : 12-04-2008 at 12:25 AM.
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