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cridgit001 (Offline)
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12-04-2008, 02:01 AM

Originally Posted by Tyrien View Post
Hi, please learn how transfer rates work before you try and use them in arguements. It's noy Gigabyes per second, it;s Gigabits. 8 bits are in a byte. That would mean (for argument sake) LBP's 40GB would take about 5 minutes and 30 seconds.

This is however assume you're getting a perfect connection to the download server, and the sever you're downloading from can upload at 1Gbps, which I doubt it will, and you're never, ever going to get a perfect connection. Not to mention it's impossible for an ISP to throttle it's speed exactly, and speeds are always "up to". You also have to take into accounts the limit of your ethernet adapter, which the standard currently is a 100Mbps network. Don't forget it's also dependant on your computers specs, and location.

So after all that you're realistically looking at a 50~100Mbps download which would translate into anywhere from 1 to 2 hours. Still fast but don't argue with distorted values.

True. However with the state of broadband connection speeds and prices it's not vaiable yet as an end-all answer. I don't think DD will "take over" for a very long time. At best it will become a viable alternative that's embraced for consumers. Physical storage will still be around.

Personally I hate the idea of having an entire digital movie collection and video games.
*White flag* I had no intention of getting into an argument with an IT guy. You bring some good points and shoot down my own which I'm cool with.

Still though, DD is handy when I don't feel like going to game stop or best buy. One note on the, "needing terabytes to get a decent collection of games". If the Moore's Law holds, (which supposedly, in processors, they are going to hit a wall in size(nanometers wise) around 2020) 10 Terabyte HDD's wouldn't be out of the ordinary when the next consoles roll around.
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