Originally Posted by Uriko
AH, i pre-ordered persona 4 & i'mma be picking it up the day it comes out, too! depending on where my exams fall & which ones i have left to study for, i will definitely be playing my guts out. :3
lol. So much fun. It was really funny this morning. There's this random person I don't talk with much, but we like/obsess over the same things and we were freaking out about P3/P4 this morning.
I've been playing P3 like crazy because I finally got to Nyx after ages of playing/not-having-a-lot-of-time-for-games-anymore and I'm trying to beat the game. I'm leveling up only three characters and I'm going to beat it this weekend. I'm so determined. lol
Then, I'll get to start all over again with P4!